Jason Webster
Creative Designer - Digital and Video
403 998 8986
Calgary Alberta
A Bit About Me
Growing up I have always been creative, its in my blood. Before Star Wars Lego was even a thing, I was duplicating ship designs to have the toy I wanted. With my other toys I took apart to help understand how it work. Most times got it back together. Why does this matter, because I am analytical. I see the big picture and can break it down to the littlest component. Its probably why I started building and creating props/costumes for Halloween and winning 9 of the 11 years (big prizes). As we fast forward past my automation training, filming history, accounting, automation electrical sales, and now business owner. I have a diverse background with one common theme, problem to solution!
Hooligan Reflective/OMiFG was created based out of need to ensure there was money coming in when Calgary's economy was changing, and not for the better. It was here where Marketing and Graphic design became a major focal point from everything I have ever done. But there are digital design rules to screen printing/reflective vinyl:
1 Number of colours permitted to printed match imagery.
2 Layering each colour with markers for accuracy,
3 Time management and expenses.
4 Maintain an expectation and standard.
Below, you will discover a variety of projects that went into propelling my company forward in the digital marketing world.